To All Friends and Family of Prosper Valley School,
Welcome to Prosper Valley School's home fundraising page. We want to acknowledge the tremendous stress and hardship our community is struggling with as a result of the COVID-19 virus. We remain committed to providing our learners and their families with any services and support we can offer to keep everyone safe and healthy. We also know that we will come out of this challenge as a community with a heightened sense of compassion and a deeper appreciation for our community. As you are aware, each year we fund-raise for special events and trips that may be out of the scope of our school budget. This year we would like to try fundraising in a different way, and offer you the opportunity to show your support through shopping from home. Anything you purchase will be delivered directly to your home and we will earn between 35-45% of each sale. We would like to make any profit that we earn available to the community Food Shelf and the PTA, specifically to aid in supporting our less fortunate families at this tough time. Please share this link though your social media contacts and email your friends. You have three catalogs from which to shop, there are some great spring items in each. Anything that you can do is appreciated.